Adventure Club

Small Group Morning Class Focussed on Outdoor Exploration & Play

Adventure Club is a unique class option parents and students can choose to become recharged, engaged, and to develop new interests or skills.

Introduced in September 2014, this program was a response to the needs of busy, working parents, and their children; providing appropriate student experiences for more and/or for longer days in ways that would enhance their excitement about learning.

Key Componets of Adventure Club Sessions

  • Small Class Size

    Typically no more than 10 children, allowing for closer interactions with other students and teachers.

  • Exploring our extensive outdoor learning environment

    Fields, cranberry bogs, “Turtle Town” – in all weather, in rain, snow, or shine, noting the changes of our natural world throughout the year.

  • Each day focuses on developing a specific interest or skill

    Art, plays, physics, woodworking, natural science, or even a friendship.