Woodside has developed a variety of programs to meet the developmental needs of children from ages 0-6, and to create community and resources for their caregivers.
We invite you to learn more about our preschool, kindergarten, and other programs on our website. But the best way to get to know us is to come in for a tour.
Woodside School Curriculum was developed with a commitment to a broad-based educational philosophy, and is guided by developmentally appropriate practices as described by the National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) and the MA Department of Education (MA DOE).
Our programs provide for a wide range of developmental interests and abilities that meet individual needs. Teachers provide a balance of rest and active movement throughout the program day.
Overview of the Year
Areas of Interest and Study
Integrated and Ongoing
- Welcome: The First 6 Weeks
- Building a Community
- Establishing classroom culture: Safety Rules/Expectations
- Begin children’s portfolios
- Introduction of routines
- Photos/Self-portraits (I)
- Developing plans for year: Hopes/Goals
Children’s stories
- Exploring and discovering natural environment in Autumn
- Woodlands, Ponds, Bogs/Wetlands
- Nature journals and photo boards
- Learning more about each other: Families
- Photos/Family portraits
- Stories about families
- Traditions/Celebrations
- Cultural heritage
- Shortened Days – Winter Traditions/Celebrations
- Light/Music/Food/Color
- Natural environment in Winter
- Photos /Self-portraits (II)
- Animals/Birds: Hibernation/ Migration
- Developing relationships – Friends
- Photos/Portraits of Friends Caring about others
- Stories about Friends
- Communication/Problem solving/Conflict resolution
- Natural environment in Spring
- Photos/Self-portraits (III)
- Changes – New growth
- Spring Celebrations
- Planting – Gardening
- Insects
- Remembering the year –Portfolios
- Class Photos/Self-portraits (IV)
- Saying good-bye/Plans for Summer
- Stories about the Class

Wondering if Woodside is the right place for your family?
The best way to find out is to stop by and check us out. We invite you schedule a visit and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.